
Get messy at DRIP

And now for something completely different… DRIP!

Part dance, part theatrics, DRIP is self-described as an in-your-face explosion of color and movement backed by a live rock band in an industrial dive bar.

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And it's just arrived on Orlando’s famed International Drive.

The hour(ish) show is loud, messy, perplexing, but strangely captivating and oddly exciting. It’s definitely a one-of-a-kind attraction in Orlando… a sort of Cirque du Soleil meets grungy radio metal.

I dug the party scene vibe the experience created. Its black box theatre/bar, discretely situated behind Senor Frog’s and Denny’s, serves wine and brightly colored beer before and after shows, which run Thursday through Saturday beginning at 8 p.m.

WARNING: This adults-only performance incorporates a variety of media (as in, they like to make a mess), so guests are advised to dress in casual clothes or risk getting their fancy wear splattered with sand, paint, water, and beer. 

Tickets are $29 each. 


By the way, you should follow GDO on ODNG.

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